Important Notice

Please see our Project Updates page under Community Involvement to view ongoing Westside Creeks Restoration Project updates.

The San Antonio River Authority will be hosting several community information sessions for the community to provide input on the design progress of the Westside Creeks Ecosystem Restoration Project. Check out the Events or the Project Design pages to view the community session nearest you! 


For more information and to stay updated with this project, please submit a question through our Contact Us page.


The Westside Creeks Project is a community-based creek restoration effort started in 2008 by the San Antonio River Authority.

The project’s focus is to restore 11 miles of creekways that were channelized as part of a 1954 federal flood control project known as the San Antonio Channel Improvement Project. The vision established, as part of a lengthy public process, is to restore the creeks in such a way that sustains and enriches life, improves water quality and the ecosystem, provides for public gathering places and recreational uses, promotes cultural and historical awareness, is self-sustaining requiring low maintenance, and connects to neighborhoods and businesses.

Its mission is:

  1. To develop and advance planning concepts for restoring the environmental condition of the Alazán, Apache, Martinez, and San Pedro creeks
  2. To maintain or enhance where possible the current flood control components of these creeks, and
  3. To provide increased opportunities for community enjoyment.

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